The consequence of my actions

I’m scared. I don’t know what to do or think. Recently I have been suspended from my job because I made the terrible decision to take money from my drawer while I worked. I’m a cashier. I know it was wrong and I regret it terribly. In those moments I felt I needed to because right now money is so tight with us just having moved into a bigger place to make sure my daughter has her own room finally which costs A LOT more. On top of that we still have our normal bills and before we moved we made plenty of money to make sure my baby girl has her pullups and to have plenty to eat but now we might make enough for these things but needless to say it’s just been a tough transition. I don’t know what I’m supposed to tell my boyfriend. I’m not sure if I should be looking for another job. Each day I’m eager to hear from my current job on whether or not I am going to be given a second chance. I paid them back in full right away even though I was allowed to make payments to them. In doing so I’m no longer able to pay my insurance now. I also need to pay my internet bill which I have to hold off on until in able to figure out how to get the money for my insurance. Whoever may come upon this and read, I know that you may be thinking it’s still no reason to have taken the money and I shouldn’t have done it in the first place because then I wouldn’t even be in this situation…. You’re right. This job had been the best job I’ve had that pays well enough for me to help with the bills. I’ve screwed it all up and I’m paying the consequences.